Making Lives Better Through Christ


Counselling at Grace Family is a specialised healing ministry with a unique approach that is considerate, trustworthy and deep-rooted in the teachings of the scripture, led by lay leaders, Pastors, who have subjective knowledge and exceptional consideration for their given subject area.

We understand that there are times in life where you just need a helping hand. This must be the time, you need somebody to come together with and inspire you from the Bible.

All of our counsellors, whether they are pastors or laypersons, go through a rigorous training program in biblical counselling. The asset of our ministry lay in the power and knowledge of the Wonderful Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, as He works in and through our lives according to His Word.

The goal of Christian counselling is still to help people work through these problems and ultimately live a healthy and happy life.

Family Counselling

The pressures of everyday life can be challenging, these challenges  can be like to find a job, to achieve a balance of work and family life, and to maintain a good place to live. Challenges you face in the family and personal life can become too stressful which may lead to anxiety, depression etc.

Help can be simple as giving you the opportunity to tell your story or developing or equipping you to begin a new journey towards a changed life. We at GFIM Counselling centre are committed to help you find your strength and are ready to work with you to find solutions that are right for you.

We welcome all couples and families, where two or more people are committed to care for one another, whether living together or apart; we offer help to support marriages and encourage strong family relationships.

We offer many classes and regularly provide insightful articles, both for families and for counsellors.


Students Counselling


There are times when you see your children stressed, and in regards to their future the road ahead may seem unclear and frightening. GFIM’s Children Counselling Programme is ready to assist you and your children need, and it will join hands with you to work towards a positive change in your children's life.

However let us keep in mind, that the ultimate counsellor in a anybody's life is the Spirit of God. God uses GFIM to help them to succed in all their endevours.

GFIM Australia, is a dream place for the broken-hearted, the miserable, the unsatisfied, and the confused to find love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance and encouragement in Jesus Christ. We also communicate to parents of these young children and have them under go parenting programs as well, to help the parents to address the issues of their children.

Through these Programme, we are called to consider not only God’s covenantal love but also His incredible patience and unconditional mercy toward the beloved children.

Addict Support

Addictions Support Groups at GFIM Australia follow a Biblical approach to any nature of addictions including drugs or alcohol or pornography etc.

The groups have regular social events, they encourage the participants to build good relationship within the group. Subsequently, the group members become accountable to each other in their endeavour sobriety.  All group leaders and facilitators have attended the GFIM India Counselling Course and now serve these groups and their attenders.

Occasionaly some participants struggling with addictions may not want to counselling sessions. We encourage such participants to least attend our prayer meetings, fellowships and services. We have seen already many transformations in the lives of people.

Do not let pride stand in the way of experiencing what God has to offer or the call to help others. Addicts are welcome to attend all meetings (open to all addicts within our Fellowhip, regardless of church attendance or faith). We do not identify you as addicts but as children of God.
